Galerie Peinture
Oil Painting
Passionate oil painting, I let speak my brushes that guide me according to inspiration! Self-taught, I paint with passion.
Passionate about art always, I changed my whole childhood in a family environment conducive to creativity, with an artist brother amateur painter.
there a few years, the desire to take the brushes in my turn, to express my feelings, my emotions, my feelings led me to this universe.
Attracted by abstract art, oil painting, geometric shapes, color and matter, I let speak my brushes on canvas.
Inspired by the paintings of the color of poets, I want to illustrate these by the representation of luminous shapes that are revealed in each canvas.
My paintings are characterized by the representation of squares, curves, lines ..., looking shapes, color and material.
abstract painting is the expression of something that tends to the unconscious, the fusion of the inner life and the world around us.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you desire a custom table in your colors! Enjoy and thank you for your interest in my paintings.
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Modern Painting - Abstractions - Colour and material
No 28 Dimensions 70X70